понедельник, 7 марта 2016 г.

Ukraine: The Jews - serial maniacs-murderers

 The information from Hodos gives an insight into the causes of mass rapes and murders of girls and young women in the Donbas, where the bodies were found by police officers of Donetsk and Lugansk. At least 286 corpses were found in several graves, where the troops of Jewish fascists were located. 286 bodies found, but those missing are lot more.

   The head of the Jewish community of Kharkov city Eduard Hodos explains the motives of serial murders committed by Jews.

A lesson of rabbi: to kill a goyim woman during sex with a Jew – is  according to Galacha. How to avoid a woman – Rabbi Yitzhak Cohen focused in his  “video tutorial” on this topical theme for the ultra-orthodox Jews.  In his sermon he elaborated on the relationship of a Jew and a Gentile. Who is like an animal?

According to Galacha and Rambam, says the rabbi, "all non-Jewish women into which enters a Jew, no matter under what circumstances - by force, voluntarily, by mistake, no matter from which side - every Goyim woman into which a Jew enters, according to the Torah, deserves  death  ... " And why? "It is an offense of a Jew", - explained rabbi Cohen.

At this the rabbi did not stop, thinking to quote a  figurative comparison. "The animal with which a man sins is also killed:... so that nobody could say - With this animal sinned a Jew. And Gentile woman under the law is considered as an animal – an unclean animal. Every Gentile woman, with whom a Jew slept is guilty of death" - broadcast the spiritual mentor.

According to rabbi Cohen, a Jew, who is in connection with a Gentile woman, Galacha dictates to kill on the spot. But if the one who wishes to do so comes for the sanction to the rabbi, he will not give it, he says, as the impulse to murder must be "spontaneous," as with the Biblical Pinkhas. "And to the first one who does this, the Holy One, blessed be He, he will say:" Habibi, you bring peace to the universe. "

The rabbi felt it necessary to stress that he himself was not calling for anything similar, though it is a mitzvah by Galacha. Just because Galacha has too many reservations and conditions. In particular, he said, so as not to be a murderer, it is necessary to take the life of the Jew and Gentile exactly at the time of intercourse.

21.02.2016 17:02

+ "Rabbi professes: Goyim women have the flesh of an ass."
19.01.2016 13:59

Reference to the primary source video in Hebrew https://www.facebook.com/1577022065865756

  The information from Hodos gives an insight into the causes of mass rapes and murders of girls and young women in the Donbas, where the bodies were found by police officers of Donetsk and Lugansk. At least 286 corpses were found in several graves, where the troops of Jewish fascists were located. 286 bodies found, but those missing are lot more.

Ukraine - ordinary Jewish fascism,
en-us http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2016/03/2014-ukraine-ordinary-jewish-fascism.html
rus text http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2014/06/2014-ukraine-jewish-fascism-ordinary_8.html


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